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She's one of the world's best minds

  • 1 ♦ mind

    ♦ mind /maɪnd/
    n. [uc]
    1 mente; intelligenza; cervello, testa (fig.); senno; pensiero: I wonder what he has in mind, mi chiedo cosa abbia in mente; She's one of the world's best minds, è una delle più belle menti che ci siano al mondo; to be in one's right mind, essere sano di mente (o con la testa a posto); an inquiring mind, una mente avida di sapere; a keen mind, una mente pronta; It never crossed my mind, non mi è mai passato per la mente (o per la testa)
    2 animo; spirito: frame (o state) of mind, stato d'animo; peace of mind, pace dell'animo; serenità; presence of mind, presenza di spirito
    3 mente; memoria: to bear (o to keep) st. in mind, tenere a mente (o ricordare) qc.; to bring (o to call) st. to mind, farsi venire in mente qc.; richiamare qc. alla mente (o alla memoria); to bring (o to recall) st. to sb. 's mind, far venire in mente (o ricordare) qc. a q.; That has gone out of ( o has slipped) my mind, mi è uscito (o passato o sfuggito) di mente
    4 idea; intenzione; proposito; voglia: I have half a mind to tell her everything, ho una mezza idea di dirle tutto; I've got a good mind to take legal steps, ho proprio intenzione di adire le vie legali
    5 idea; parere; opinione; avviso; modo di pensare: I've changed my mind about him, ho cambiato idea sul suo conto; to be of the same mind (o of one mind) essere della stessa opinione (o dello stesso avviso); to speak one's mind plainly, dire chiaro e tondo come uno la pensa NOTA D'USO: - cambiare idea-
    6 (filos.) spirito: mind and matter, lo spirito e la materia
    ● (farm., di sostanza) mind-altering, che altera l'umore; psicotonico □ (fam.) mind-bender, allucinogeno (sost.); (fig.) rompicapo □ ( slang) mind-bending, allucinogeno (agg.); (fig.) difficile da risolvere (o da capire); preoccupante, inverosimile, incredibile □ (fam.) mind-blower, allucinogeno (sost.) □ (fam.) mind-blowing, allucinogeno (agg.); (fig.) allucinante, eccitante, travolgente; shoccante: a mind-blowing experience, un'esperienza shoccante □ (fam.) mind-boggling, sbalorditivo; strabiliante; stupefacente; inverosimile □ (fam.) mind-expander, psichedelico (sost.) □ mind-expanding, psichedelico (agg.) □ the mind's eye, l'occhio della mente; la fantasia □ (volg. USA) mind-fucking, sconvolgente, da sballo; (sost.) lavaggio del cervello □ (fam.) mind-numbing, che intorpidisce la mente; che inebetisce; che istupidisce; ( anche) noiosissimo □ mind-reader, chi legge (o pretende di leggere) il pensiero □ mind-reading, lettura del pensiero □ to boggle sb. 's mind, lasciare q. allibito (o incredulo); stupefare q. to give one's mind to, fare attenzione a; porre mente a □ to give sb. a piece (o a bit) of one's mind, dirne quattro a q.; dire a q. il fatto suo □ to go out of (o to lose) one's mind, andare fuori di testa; uscire di senno; impazzire □ (scherz.) Great minds think alike, le grandi menti pensano allo stesso modo (usato per complimentarsi a vicenda quando due persone dicono la stessa cosa) □ to have st. on one's mind, aver sempre in mente qc.; essere preoccupato per qc. to be in (o of) two minds, essere incerto (o diviso, in forse); esitare; titubare □ to keep one's mind on, concentrare la propria attenzione su □ to keep an open mind, rimanere neutrale; non prendere partito □ to make up one's mind, decidersi; prendere una decisione □ to make up one's mind to st., accettare qc.; prendere atto di qc. not to know one's own mind, non saper bene quel che si vuole; essere incerto (o perplesso, in forse) □ to be of the same mind as before, pensarla allo stesso modo di prima; non aver mutato parere □ to be out of one's mind, aver perso la ragione; essere fuori di testa □ out of one's mind, oltremodo; a morte (fig.): He was bored out of his mind, era annoiato a morte □ to put sb. in mind of, rammentare a q.: He puts me in mind of my father, mi rammenta mio padre □ to send sb. out of his mind, fare uscire q. di senno □ to set one's mind on ( doing) st., mettersi in testa (o cacciarsi in mente) di fare qc. to take one's mind off st., distogliere la propria attenzione da qc.; levarsi dalla mente qc. to tell sb. one's mind, dire a q. quel che si pensa; parlar chiaro a q.; dirglielo chiaro e tondo □ to my mind, a mio avviso, a mio parere, secondo me.
    ♦ (to) mind /maɪnd/
    v. t. e i.
    1 badare (a); fare attenzione (a); curarsi di; attendere a; occuparsi di; custodire; stare in guardia: His daughter has to mind the shop now, sua figlia deve ora badare al (o occuparsi del) negozio; Mind the step [the dog], sta' attento al gradino [al cane]!; Mind you don't fall, bada di non cadere!; DIALOGO → - Explaining how to do something- Mind your fingers when you do that, sta' attento alle dita quando fai così; Mind your own business, bada ai fatti tuoi!
    2 dar retta a; obbedire a: The dog minds his master, il cane dà retta al suo padrone
    3 importare (impers.); darsi pensiero; preoccuparsi: He doesn't mind what people say about him, non gliene importa di quel che la gente dice sul suo conto
    4 dispiacere, spiacere, dare fastidio, rincrescere (impers.); avere qc. in contrario: I don't mind the rain at all, la pioggia non mi spiace affatto (non mi dà alcun fastidio); Do you mind if I open the window?, ti dispiace se apro il finestrino?; Would you mind closing the door?, ti dispiacerebbe chiudere la porta? (o potresti chiudere la porta, per favore?); DIALOGO → - Dinner 1- «Do you mind making dinner tonight?» DIALOGO → - Dinner 1- «I don't mind, I like cooking», «Ti dispiacerebbe preparare la cena stasera?» «Non c'è problema, mi piace cucinare»; I wouldn't mind a glass of wine, non mi spiacerebbe un bicchiere di vino; If you don't mind, se non hai nulla in contrario NOTA D'USO: - non importa-
    ● (fam.) to mind one's P's and Q's, star bene attento a quel che si dice (o che si fa) □ I don't mind having a go, se si tratta di provare, ci sto □ (fam.) I don't mind if I do, (accettando qc.) altroché; eccome □ (inter.) Mind you!, bada bene!; intendiamoci!; sia ben chiaro!: Mind you, I wouldn't do it if it were illegal!, intendiamoci, non lo farei se fosse illecito □ (pop.) Mind your eye!, sta' in guardia; bada a quello che fai! □ Mind ( out)!, bada!; attento! □ Do you mind?, ti dispiace?; posso? □ Do you mind! ( con irritazione), ehi!, ma ti pare?; vuoi scherzare?; ma va! □ Never mind!, non importa!; pazienza!; non prendertela!; non farci caso!; non preoccuparti!; lascia perdere!; lascia stare!; lasciamo stare!: Never mind what people say!, non preoccuparti di quel che dice la gente!; ‘What did she say?’ ‘Never mind!’, ‘che ha detto?’ ‘lascia perdere!’; I don't have the money to buy a motorbike, never mind a Ferrari, non ho i soldi per comprare una moto, figuriamoci una Ferrari □ Never you mind, non è affar tuo; non ti riguarda; = Never mind! ► sopra.
    NOTA D'USO: - to mind to do o to mind doing?-

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ mind

  • 2 Language

       Philosophy is written in that great book, the universe, which is always open, right before our eyes. But one cannot understand this book without first learning to understand the language and to know the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and the characters are triangles, circles, and other figures. Without these, one cannot understand a single word of it, and just wanders in a dark labyrinth. (Galileo, 1990, p. 232)
       It never happens that it [a nonhuman animal] arranges its speech in various ways in order to reply appropriately to everything that may be said in its presence, as even the lowest type of man can do. (Descartes, 1970a, p. 116)
       It is a very remarkable fact that there are none so depraved and stupid, without even excepting idiots, that they cannot arrange different words together, forming of them a statement by which they make known their thoughts; while, on the other hand, there is no other animal, however perfect and fortunately circumstanced it may be, which can do the same. (Descartes, 1967, p. 116)
       Human beings do not live in the object world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter is that the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built on the language habits of the group.... We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation. (Sapir, 1921, p. 75)
       It powerfully conditions all our thinking about social problems and processes.... No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached. (Sapir, 1985, p. 162)
       [A list of language games, not meant to be exhaustive:]
       Giving orders, and obeying them- Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurements- Constructing an object from a description (a drawing)Reporting an eventSpeculating about an eventForming and testing a hypothesisPresenting the results of an experiment in tables and diagramsMaking up a story; and reading itPlay actingSinging catchesGuessing riddlesMaking a joke; and telling it
       Solving a problem in practical arithmeticTranslating from one language into another
       LANGUAGE Asking, thanking, cursing, greeting, and praying-. (Wittgenstein, 1953, Pt. I, No. 23, pp. 11 e-12 e)
       We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native languages.... The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... No individual is free to describe nature with absolute impartiality but is constrained to certain modes of interpretation even while he thinks himself most free. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 153, 213-214)
       We dissect nature along the lines laid down by our native languages.
       The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... We are thus introduced to a new principle of relativity, which holds that all observers are not led by the same physical evidence to the same picture of the universe, unless their linguistic backgrounds are similar or can in some way be calibrated. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 213-214)
       9) The Forms of a Person's Thoughts Are Controlled by Unperceived Patterns of His Own Language
       The forms of a person's thoughts are controlled by inexorable laws of pattern of which he is unconscious. These patterns are the unperceived intricate systematizations of his own language-shown readily enough by a candid comparison and contrast with other languages, especially those of a different linguistic family. (Whorf, 1956, p. 252)
       It has come to be commonly held that many utterances which look like statements are either not intended at all, or only intended in part, to record or impart straightforward information about the facts.... Many traditional philosophical perplexities have arisen through a mistake-the mistake of taking as straightforward statements of fact utterances which are either (in interesting non-grammatical ways) nonsensical or else intended as something quite different. (Austin, 1962, pp. 2-3)
       In general, one might define a complex of semantic components connected by logical constants as a concept. The dictionary of a language is then a system of concepts in which a phonological form and certain syntactic and morphological characteristics are assigned to each concept. This system of concepts is structured by several types of relations. It is supplemented, furthermore, by redundancy or implicational rules..., representing general properties of the whole system of concepts.... At least a relevant part of these general rules is not bound to particular languages, but represents presumably universal structures of natural languages. They are not learned, but are rather a part of the human ability to acquire an arbitrary natural language. (Bierwisch, 1970, pp. 171-172)
       In studying the evolution of mind, we cannot guess to what extent there are physically possible alternatives to, say, transformational generative grammar, for an organism meeting certain other physical conditions characteristic of humans. Conceivably, there are none-or very few-in which case talk about evolution of the language capacity is beside the point. (Chomsky, 1972, p. 98)
       [It is] truth value rather than syntactic well-formedness that chiefly governs explicit verbal reinforcement by parents-which renders mildly paradoxical the fact that the usual product of such a training schedule is an adult whose speech is highly grammatical but not notably truthful. (R. O. Brown, 1973, p. 330)
       he conceptual base is responsible for formally representing the concepts underlying an utterance.... A given word in a language may or may not have one or more concepts underlying it.... On the sentential level, the utterances of a given language are encoded within a syntactic structure of that language. The basic construction of the sentential level is the sentence.
       The next highest level... is the conceptual level. We call the basic construction of this level the conceptualization. A conceptualization consists of concepts and certain relations among those concepts. We can consider that both levels exist at the same point in time and that for any unit on one level, some corresponding realizate exists on the other level. This realizate may be null or extremely complex.... Conceptualizations may relate to other conceptualizations by nesting or other specified relationships. (Schank, 1973, pp. 191-192)
       The mathematics of multi-dimensional interactive spaces and lattices, the projection of "computer behavior" on to possible models of cerebral functions, the theoretical and mechanical investigation of artificial intelligence, are producing a stream of sophisticated, often suggestive ideas.
       But it is, I believe, fair to say that nothing put forward until now in either theoretic design or mechanical mimicry comes even remotely in reach of the most rudimentary linguistic realities. (Steiner, 1975, p. 284)
       The step from the simple tool to the master tool, a tool to make tools (what we would now call a machine tool), seems to me indeed to parallel the final step to human language, which I call reconstitution. It expresses in a practical and social context the same understanding of hierarchy, and shows the same analysis by function as a basis for synthesis. (Bronowski, 1977, pp. 127-128)
        t is the language donn eґ in which we conduct our lives.... We have no other. And the danger is that formal linguistic models, in their loosely argued analogy with the axiomatic structure of the mathematical sciences, may block perception.... It is quite conceivable that, in language, continuous induction from simple, elemental units to more complex, realistic forms is not justified. The extent and formal "undecidability" of context-and every linguistic particle above the level of the phoneme is context-bound-may make it impossible, except in the most abstract, meta-linguistic sense, to pass from "pro-verbs," "kernals," or "deep deep structures" to actual speech. (Steiner, 1975, pp. 111-113)
       A higher-level formal language is an abstract machine. (Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 113)
       Jakobson sees metaphor and metonymy as the characteristic modes of binarily opposed polarities which between them underpin the two-fold process of selection and combination by which linguistic signs are formed.... Thus messages are constructed, as Saussure said, by a combination of a "horizontal" movement, which combines words together, and a "vertical" movement, which selects the particular words from the available inventory or "inner storehouse" of the language. The combinative (or syntagmatic) process manifests itself in contiguity (one word being placed next to another) and its mode is metonymic. The selective (or associative) process manifests itself in similarity (one word or concept being "like" another) and its mode is metaphoric. The "opposition" of metaphor and metonymy therefore may be said to represent in effect the essence of the total opposition between the synchronic mode of language (its immediate, coexistent, "vertical" relationships) and its diachronic mode (its sequential, successive, lineal progressive relationships). (Hawkes, 1977, pp. 77-78)
       It is striking that the layered structure that man has given to language constantly reappears in his analyses of nature. (Bronowski, 1977, p. 121)
       First, [an ideal intertheoretic reduction] provides us with a set of rules"correspondence rules" or "bridge laws," as the standard vernacular has it-which effect a mapping of the terms of the old theory (T o) onto a subset of the expressions of the new or reducing theory (T n). These rules guide the application of those selected expressions of T n in the following way: we are free to make singular applications of their correspondencerule doppelgangers in T o....
       Second, and equally important, a successful reduction ideally has the outcome that, under the term mapping effected by the correspondence rules, the central principles of T o (those of semantic and systematic importance) are mapped onto general sentences of T n that are theorems of Tn. (P. Churchland, 1979, p. 81)
       If non-linguistic factors must be included in grammar: beliefs, attitudes, etc. [this would] amount to a rejection of the initial idealization of language as an object of study. A priori such a move cannot be ruled out, but it must be empirically motivated. If it proves to be correct, I would conclude that language is a chaos that is not worth studying.... Note that the question is not whether beliefs or attitudes, and so on, play a role in linguistic behavior and linguistic judgments... [but rather] whether distinct cognitive structures can be identified, which interact in the real use of language and linguistic judgments, the grammatical system being one of these. (Chomsky, 1979, pp. 140, 152-153)
        23) Language Is Inevitably Influenced by Specific Contexts of Human Interaction
       Language cannot be studied in isolation from the investigation of "rationality." It cannot afford to neglect our everyday assumptions concerning the total behavior of a reasonable person.... An integrational linguistics must recognize that human beings inhabit a communicational space which is not neatly compartmentalized into language and nonlanguage.... It renounces in advance the possibility of setting up systems of forms and meanings which will "account for" a central core of linguistic behavior irrespective of the situation and communicational purposes involved. (Harris, 1981, p. 165)
       By innate [linguistic knowledge], Chomsky simply means "genetically programmed." He does not literally think that children are born with language in their heads ready to be spoken. He merely claims that a "blueprint is there, which is brought into use when the child reaches a certain point in her general development. With the help of this blueprint, she analyzes the language she hears around her more readily than she would if she were totally unprepared for the strange gabbling sounds which emerge from human mouths. (Aitchison, 1987, p. 31)
       Looking at ourselves from the computer viewpoint, we cannot avoid seeing that natural language is our most important "programming language." This means that a vast portion of our knowledge and activity is, for us, best communicated and understood in our natural language.... One could say that natural language was our first great original artifact and, since, as we increasingly realize, languages are machines, so natural language, with our brains to run it, was our primal invention of the universal computer. One could say this except for the sneaking suspicion that language isn't something we invented but something we became, not something we constructed but something in which we created, and recreated, ourselves. (Leiber, 1991, p. 8)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Language

  • 3 think

    1. I
    I think therefore I am я мыслю, следовательно я существую; are animals able to think? мыслят ли животные?; don't act without thinking ничего не делай /не предпринимай/, не подумав; let me (give me time to) think дайте мне (время) подумать /собраться с мыслями, поразмыслить, сосредоточиться/; I know what you are thinking я знаю, что /о чем/ вы думаете
    2. II
    think in some manner think logically (creatively, constructively, shrewdly, idly, etc.) мыслить /думать/ логично и т.д.; think so /as much, this way/ думать определенным образом; he thinks [in] this way он мыслит таким образом; I thought as much я так и думал; no two minds think alike все мы думаем по-разному; you must learn to think clearly вам надо учиться ясно мыслить; think harder подумай получше; think much lot/ много думать; if you were to think a little less and act a little more it would be better for all для всех было бы лучше, если бы вы немного меньше размышляли и немного больше делали; is he going to come? I don't think so он собирается приехать? think не думаю; just think! подумать только! think for some time let me think a moment дайте мне немного подумать /сосредоточиться/
    3. III
    think smth.
    1) think great (sad, evil, base, pleasant, etc.) thoughts быть полным великих и т.д. дум /мыслей/; think business постоянно думать о делах
    2) think no harm /no evil/ не думать /не иметь в виду, не предполагать/ чего-л. дурного; one would not have thought it никто бы об этом не подумал, это никому не пришло бы в голову
    4. V
    think smth., smb. smth. think it a shame (it a most interesting book, her a clever young lady, him an impolite fellow, etc.) считать, что это позор /это позорным/ и т.д.; think oneself a hero считать себя героем; he doesn't think it any trouble at all он не считает это затруднительным, он считает, что это совсем нетрудно
    5. VI
    think smth., smb. as having some quality think smth. strange (the lecture interesting, the matter very important, the affair unlawful, his success probable, the girl pretty, him right, etc.) считать что-л. странным и т.д.; do you think it likely? вы считаете это вероятным?; think him very powerful (them clever, oneself important, etc.) считать его очень могущественным и т.д.; think smth. as being of some quality to do smth. think it proper (unusual, necessary, strange, etc.) to say this (to go there, to take it, etc.) считать приличным и т.д. сказать это и т.д.; I don't think it wise to go there я считаю неблагоразумным идти туда; I thought it better to stay away (not to try, etc.) я считал, что лучше держаться подальше и т.д.
    6. VII
    think smb., smth. [to be] smth. think him to be a fool (him to be more straightforward, the girl more intelligent, the matter to be more delicate, etc.) считать его дураком и т.д.; do you think him very much to blame? вы считаете его очень виноватым?; I think it to correspond to facts я думаю /считаю/, что это соответствует фактам
    7. XI
    1) be thought about /of/ smth. it must (should, etc.) be thought about /of/ об этом нужно (следует и т.д.) (подумать; there are a number of things to be thought of before we come to a decision прежде, чем мы примем какое-либо решение, надо подумать /поразмыслить/ о ряде вещей /надо учесть ряд вещей/
    2) be thought of a new house (a motor саг, а winter holiday in the south, etc.) is not to /cannot/ be thought of о новом доме и т.д. думать нечего /и подумать нельзя/; such a thing is not to be thought of о таких вещах и мечтать нечего
    3) be thought [to be] in some state be thought dead (mad, richt, to be fair, to be lost, etc.) считаться умершим и т.д.; be thought to be smth. he is thought to be a scholar его считают ученым; it is thought to be a fraud считают, что это обман; be thought that it was thought that he would accept the position полагали /считали/, что он согласится на этот пост; be thought of in some manner he is well (highly) thought of о нем хорошо отзываются; it was thought of as impossible это считалось невозможным
    8. XIII
    think to do smth. think to deceive us (to escape punishment, to help you, to find a home with his daughter, to get a special favour, etc.) надеяться /собираться/ обмануть нас и т.д.; I never thought to find you here (to see you, to meet him again, etc.) я не подумал /никогда не думал/, что могу вас здесь застать и т.д.; think what to do next (how to help, etc.) думать о том, что делать дальше и т.д.
    9. XV
    think as having some quality think fit (proper, good, etc.) считать удобным и т.д.; do as you think best делайте, как вам кажется /вы считаете/ лучше; do not think ill of me не думайте обо мне плохо
    10. XVI
    1) think in smth. think in German (in a foreign language, etc.) думать /мыслить/ по-немецки и т.д.; think about /of/ smth. think about /of/ the matter (about that question, about /of/ everything, of many things, about smb.'s suggestion, about the problem, about /of/ the proposal, of such a possibility, etc.) (по)думать об этом деле и т.д., обдумывать это дело и т.д.; why don't you " about my offer before you make up your mind? вам не мешало бы взвесить /продумать/ мое предложение прежде, чем решать; what are you thinking about /of/? о чем вы думаете?; it is not worth thinking about об этом не стоит думать; when I least thought of it когда я меньше всего об этом думал; think (up)on smth. think on life (on the matter, upon life and death, on love, etc.) думать /размышлять/ о жизни и т.д.; there is one thing you ought to think on вам следует подумать об одной вещи
    2) think of /about/ smth., smb. think of old times (of home, about one's childhood days, about life in the mountains, of the accident, of her, etc.) думать /вспоминать/ о прошлом /о прежних временах/ и т.д.; I can't think of his name at the moment (of his address, of the right phrase, of the name of this place, etc.) я не могу сразу вспомнить его имя и т.д.; I can't think of the figures цифры /числа/ выпали у меня из памяти, я сейчас забыл цифры; I can't think of the right word мне не приходит в голову нужное слово
    3) think about /of/ smb. think about /of/ his mother (about one's friends, about the friends one has lost, of others, of other people first, etc.) думать /беспокоиться/ о своей матери и т.д.; I have my wife and family to think of мне надо подумать /позаботиться, побеспокоиться/ о жене и всей семье; he thinks only (too much) of himself, he thinks of no one but himself он думает только о себе; think about /of/ smth. think about /of/ smb. think feelings (of smb.'s plight, of their welfare, etc.) думать о чьих-л. чувствах и т.д., считаться с чьими-л. чувствами и т.д.; they think about nothing but clothes (about hair styles, about nothing but sport and pleasure, etc.) у них на уме только платья и т.д., они ни о чем другом, кроме платьев и т.д. не думают
    4) think of smth., smb. think of a way out of the difficulty (of some excuse to give them, of a word beginning with В, of a good plan, of an amusing way to spend the evening, of such a thing, of a good place for a week-end holidays, etc.) придумать выход из тяжелого положения и т.д.; I just didn't think of it мне это просто не пришло в голову, об этом-то я и не подумал; think of a number задумайте число; think of the danger (of the people who risk their lives, of the nerve of that fellow, of that man being there, etc.) подумать об опасности и т.д., представить /вообразить/ себе опасность и т.д.; I would never have thought of this possibility мне эта возможность не приходила в голову
    5) think of /about/ smth., smb. what do you think of this plan (of the idea, of my new dress. of our new car, of this man, about me, etc.)? что вы думаете /какого вы мнения/ об этом плане и т.д.?; what do you "think of his speech? как вам понравилась его речь?; I told him what I thought of him я высказал /сказал/ ему [все], что я о нем думаю; think of her as a friend (of her as still a child, of you as a replacement for the man who quit, of him as being tall, of golf as waste of time, etc.) считать ее другом и т.д., думать о ней, как о друге и т.д.; think well (highly, harshly, meanly, etc.) of smth., smb. быть хорошего и т.д. мнения о чем-л., ком-л.; I will not think so poorly of her я не хочу о ней так плохо думать; it depends how you think of it все зависит от того, как к этому отнестись || we thought better of it мы передумали /раздумали/
    11. XVII
    1) think before doing smth. think before answering (before making a decision, before accepting, before refusing, etc.) сначала подумать /взвесить/, а потом отвечать и т.д., подумать, прежде чем ответить и т.д.
    2) think about /of/ doing smth. think about moving to another house (about buying a new piano, about taking her to dinner, about emigrating to Canada, about getting a job, of going tomorrow, of going to Spain for our holiday, of marrying, etc.) подумывать о переезде /собираться переехать, строить планы о том, чтобы переехать/ в другой дом и т.д.; а girl thinks more of "looking nice" than a boy does девушки больше заботятся /думают/ о своей внешности, чем молодые люди; he would not (never) think of letting her go (of allowing it, of inviting them, of going unless he were invited, of saying such things about a lady, of doing such a thing, of allowing my children to stay out until this late hour, etc.) ему бы (никогда) не пришло в голову /он бы и не подумал/ отпустить ее и т.д.; the price is so high that I cannot think of buying it цена так высока, что я и мечтать не могу [, чтобы] купить это
    3) think about /of/ doing smth. what do you think about going to Spain (of going to the movies tonight, etc.)? как вы /что вы думаете/ насчет поездки в Испанию и т.д.?; what did they think of his playing (of her painting, of our singing, etc.)? что они думают /какого они мнения/ о его игре /о том, как он играет/ и т.д.?
    12. XVIII
    think to oneself he is not telling the truth, I thought to myself он лжет, подумал я про себя; he was thinking to himself how strange the children were он отметил про себя, какими странными были дети; think for oneself you must think for yourself ты должен решать сам; think oneself into some state think oneself silly довести себя раздумьями до отупения; he thought himself into a fever он так много думал, что заболел
    13. XXI1
    think smth. of (about) smb., smth. think unjust things of her думать о ней несправедливо; he thought the world of her он о ней был очень высокого мнения; I think very little of his work (of his abilities, about the new novel, of the teacher, etc.) я очень невысокого мнения о его работе и т.д.; I don't think much of him as a teacher я не высоко ставлю /ценю/ его как преподавателя || think it beneath one (smb.) to do smth. считать ниже своего (чьего-л.) достоинства что-л. сделать
    14. XXV
    1) think what... (why..., how..., etc.) think what she would do next (why he came, how to help, etc.) думать о том, что ей делать дальше и т.д.
    2) think how... (what...., where..., etc.) you can't think how pleased I was (how surprised he was, how glad I am, what he means, what a sharp tongue she has, why she left, where he is, etc.) вы не можете себе представить, как я был доволен и т.д.; think that... I never thought that he himself would come я никогда не думал /не ожидал/, что он сам придет; [only] to think that he is twenty (that I should be let off so early, etc.) подумать только, что ему всего двадцать и т.д.
    3) think [that] think [that] you are clever (that he is ready, that the earth is flat, you can do it, you are acting foolishly, etc.) думать /полагать, считать/, что вы умны и т.д.; what do you think I ought to do? как вы думаете, что мне следует делать?; I think I'll go now я, пожалуй, пойду; ну, я пошел; it is going to rain, I think мне кажется, будет дождь; it will be better, don't you think, to start early? не лучше ли выехать пораньше, как вы полагаете?; think before you do smth. think carefully before you answer (before you begin, before you accept, etc.) хорошенько подумай, прежде чем отвечать и т.д.
    15. XXVII1
    think of what... think of what I've said (of what I told you, of what this means, etc.) подумай о том /над тем/, что я сказал и т.д.; think of what might have happened думать о том, что могло случиться

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > think

  • 4 man

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > man

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